The 5 C's in Christian Leadership
CourseOnline Mini Course: Christian Leadership Course
Bible Basics 101
CourseBible Basics is highlights information that most bible believers should know. The information in this course is valuable for those who are inspire to be a minister within the Christian Congregation or Outreach Ministry
Physical & Spiritual Homeostasis Check UP
CourseAs Christian Leaders it is very important to ensure Physical and Spiritual bodies are healthy. Being in leadership roles can take a toll on all of us, but we must make sure we have balance. Well, this course identifies the warning signs and help.
WISE Publishing Enterprise FREE CONSULT
CourseBook Publishing Consultation
EMERGE: Boosting Your Mental Toughness
CourseStrategies to Instantly Boost Your Mental Toughness
eBook: How to REJECT Self-Sabotaging Thoughts & Ignite Your Self-Esteem
CourseSelf- Sabotaging thoughts can be overwhelming. They can consume your day and make it difficult to focus on anything else.